Real Housewives of Raleigh (RHOR)
The Real Housewives of Raleigh (RHOR) team was formed in Spring 2021 with the goal of having the first all-inclusive team in Stonewall to create awareness, long-lasting friendships, and give back to our local community. 🥰 All-inclusive meaning representation of different groups such as: race/ethnicity, sexual orientations, age, religion/atheism, etc. (Production can confirm all boxes were checked 😃).
Although it may not be your typical American reality television franchise on Bravo TV (yet!) 😅, RHOR has welcomed over 75 Housewives on the team since 2021. 😲 RHOR has partnered with local businesses to support each other and give back to the community. Some of RHOR’s Sponsors are: SafeSpaceNC, Moore Printing & Graphics, Amy Porterfield, Brooks Media Group, F45 Training, iCRYO Therapy, and D Sports Wear.
RHOR focuses on having a great time on the field 🤩 but also outside of kickball. We’re a branded family. 🫶 If you would like to learn more of RHOR or submit your application to become a cast member of The Real Housewives of Raleigh, contact Production via Instagram (@RHORaleigh). 😎 At the end of the day, life in Raleigh is a game but we set the rules!
Division: C
Captain: Gabriel Peralta
Co-Captain: Owen Heighes
Instagram: @RHORaleigh