Real Housewives of Raleigh (RHOR)

RHOR Logo 2024

Real Housewives of Raleigh (RHOR)


The Real Housewives of Raleigh (RHOR) team was formed in Spring 2021 with the goal of having the first all-inclusive team in Stonewall to create awareness, long-lasting friendships, and give back to our local community. 🥰 All-inclusive meaning representation of different groups such as: race/ethnicity, sexual orientations, age, religion/atheism, etc. (Production can confirm all boxes were checked 😃).

Although it may not be your typical American reality television franchise on Bravo TV (yet!) 😅, RHOR has welcomed over 75 Housewives on the team since 2021. 😲 RHOR has partnered with local businesses to support each other and give back to the community. Some of RHOR’s Sponsors are: SafeSpaceNC, Moore Printing & Graphics, Amy Porterfield, Brooks Media Group, F45 Training, iCRYO Therapy, and D Sports Wear.

RHOR focuses on having a great time on the field 🤩 but also outside of kickball. We’re a branded family. 🫶 If you would like to learn more of RHOR or submit your application to become a cast member of The Real Housewives of Raleigh, contact Production via Instagram (@RHORaleigh). 😎 At the end of the day, life in Raleigh is a game but we set the rules!

Division: C

Captain: Gabriel Peralta

Co-Captain: Owen Heighes

Instagram: @RHORaleigh